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Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan

Being a member of the Kincardine & District Chamber of Commerce means having access to a very competitive employee extended medical, dental, life and disability program. Together with other Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade from across Canada, our members enjoy:

  • availability for companies for all sizes and structure
  • stable rates
  • flexible plans (including RRSP'S)
  • simple administrative procedures (including toll free access to the Plan Administrator)
  • competitive pricing
  • service and support from a local marketing agency

Why should your firm participate in the Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan?

  • No Minimum Number of employees required. Full Benefits available to a 'group' of one.
  • The plan itself is run on a Non-profit basis. There is no parent company making a profit at your expense. Premiums are set to cover the cost of the benefits and administration of the plan.
  • ALL FIRMS regardless of occupation can apply to join the plan.
  • All benefits including health and dental coverage are fully pooled in order to protect the small business against large increases due to excessive claims. An individual firm cannot be targeted for a rate increase. All participating firms in Canada would have their rates adjusted to reflect pooled experience.
  • Firms with five or more employees are Guaranteed coverage.
  • Toll Free Service Lines for all of Canada are available. You or your employees can follow up on claims and receive prompt help.
  • You are supporting your local Chamber of Commerce and local business by participating in the plan.

FOR INFORMATION CALL Joe Carter, Phone: 519-396-2220 Cell: 519-357-6155 Email:


  • GROUP TERM LIFE INSURANCE Select either flat amounts or multiple of salary.
  • ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT Doubles the amount of insurance if death is caused by accident and includes loss of use coverage.
  • DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE Insurance protection for dependents is provided.
  • SHORT TERM DISABILITY Disability income benefits are paid for disabilities of short duration based on a percentage of salary.
  • LONG TERM DISABILITY Income replacement coverage continues for 2 years, 5 years or to age 65 based on plan selected and qualification.
  • MAJOR MEDICAL - Prescription Drugs available to companies with one person or more at 100% coverage.
  • Other benefits include outside Canada coverage, semi-private or private hospital, chiropractors, nursing, eye glasses, etc.
  • DENTAL - The basic plan is available to firms with one person and covers preventative and restorative dental costs including root canal and periodontics at 80% or 100%. Major dental is available for companies with 5 employees or more. - Orthodontics available to companies with 10 employees or more.

Special Features


  • Present your card at the drug store and your claim is paid.
  • No drug claim forms to complete.
  • No waiting for reimbursement of claims.
  • No lost claims.
  • Accurate, fast and easy.
  • Different plans to choose from.

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